Wellous Newsletter 2021

Let’s explore the importance and benefits of Probiotics in Wellous 2021 third quarter Newsletter !
Probiotics are live microbes that are needed by our body to promote health. Make it simple, probiotics are friendly microbes or “good” microbes to humans, it brings a lot of health benefits to us, such as helps in degestion, stimulate the immune system and to protect us against the “bad” microbes that will make us sick.
.Therefore, do you know the importance of Probiotcs and where can we obtain more probiotics ?With our MBRA members, Dr Chai, Wellous Food and Microbiology Advisor and Dr. Amir, Wellous Medical Advisor. We can furthermore understand the huge buzzword of Probiotics in today’s modern society.
Last but not least, we’re extremely honoured to welcome Dr. Danar Wickasono as our first Wellous Indonesian Medical Advisor. Stay tuned to find out more about Dr. Danar !
APR – JUNE 2021 Newsletter : https://wellous.com/…/APR…/Newsletter_Apr-Jun21_ENG.pdf.
To view and read other quarters of Wellous Newsletter, kindly visit our Wellous Website for more !